Forest today: From the sick monoculture to the diverse vital ecosystem
#Monoculture #forest #dieback #ecosystems
With these slogans a delegation of Fifu set out to get a little insight into the “forest” system and to help. We visited Frieder, an owner of approx. 4ha of forest, near Hochkirch / Bautzen.
Its aim is to transform a tree monoculture into a healthy mixed forest.
Key data:
- Predominantly monoculture of spruce which was planted by the former owner before 1990
- The forest that was visited was completely dead and cleared and thus exposed
- Goal: to create a healthy, sustainable mixed forest
- Tasks: clearing dead trees – “cleaning” the forest

Da der erste Schritt, die Rodung des Toten Bäume, bereits, allein von Frieder, vollzogen war, waren die Fifu`s voller Tatendrang ob des säubern des Waldes.
Was das im einzelnen bedeutet ist der Original Information von Frieder…und den Bildern zu entnehmen.
An dieser Stelle bedankt sich der Fifu e.V. ganz herzlich bei Frieder, für die Einblicke in das System Wald, sein Engagement für eine hoffentlich gesündere Zukunft und einen ordentlichen Muskelkater.
FIFU lends a hand!
What do sore muscles and environmental protection have in common? → readiness for action!
First and foremost, it means effort and dedication for even the smallest of actions.
A delegation of Fifu’s now felt this.
dead spruce trees in favor of a mixed forest soon, at least that is what Frieder the forest owner has set himself as his goal, the exposed forest area had to be “cleaned up” … and trunk by trunk.
The initial situation is quite simple and quickly explained, and yet, in the forest ecosystem, it is complex and lengthy.
Dead trees, due to beetle infestation, clearing, hauling out ALL large pieces of wood, distributing small pieces of wood to rot and sooner or later a healthy mixed forest will emerge.
During this process we visited Frieder, a forest owner near Hochkirch / Bautzen.
You can find more details in the original information from Frieder and the pictures.

Happy FIFUs and an equally cheerful forest owner (despite sore muscles)!
At this point, Fifu e.V. would like to thank Frieder for the insights into the forest system, his commitment to a hopefully healthier future of the forest ecosystem and a decent lactate excess in the muscle tissue.
The condition of our forests plays a central role for our quality of life and that of future generations. Our attention must be directed to the restoration and preservation of this precious part of our environment.